Introducing: Our Brand-New Website
A New Digital Home for the CCF&W
After months of work with our design team (shout-out to the wonderful Mix Creative Group!), we’re beyond thrilled to launch our redesigned website. With all that it offers to enhance how we can share the CCFW’s news and resources with you, we’re especially excited at the ability to go a little deeper with a blog.
Highlighting the Intersection of Belief & Words
“Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”- Mary Oliver
We’re taking as our guide Mary Oliver’s “Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
That is, we’re hoping to use this space each week to help highlight what’s going on at the intersection of belief and words, both as broadly defined as possible. In a world that T.S. Eliot tells us is “distracted from distraction by distraction,” our hope is that this space will help you find items of “astonishment” to illuminate your way and to provide more good things to talk about with those around you. That’s so important to us: the CCFW takes nuanced conversation as a vital objective of our work. Like the many hands it takes to put on any CCFW event, excellent conversation—a conversation that promotes love of God and love of neighbor--demands a diversity of voices.
To that end, then, here’s some of what we’re hoping to feature:
Reflections from our CCFW staff about goings on in the faithful literary world
Columns and creative work from our Hudson-Townsend Student Fellows and from our CCFW Faculty Fellows, past and present
In-depth news about future events as well
Author profiles and book recommendations
Announcements of new publications/works by past speakers from FFW and other CCFW events (NB: if you are one of those authors, be in touch here to let us know)
Curated collections of noteworthy news and musings from across the interwebs
We hope you’ll find this a congenial space to think with us about how story can give us, in the words of Henry Zylstra, “more to be faithful with.” That’s an enormous challenge, now more than ever.
Join us here on Thursdays for our latest posts. We’d be most grateful!